Why You Should Join the “1-Click Revolution”

This article discusses digital or electronic Readers and the 1-Click revolution, for reading books, newspapers, magazines and more and why they are the affordable, convenient, smart, simple, and eco-friendly wave of the future that you will want to take advantage of.
For those of you who may have been living in a deep, dark rain forest or amongst a tribe of pygmies in a remote corner of a forgotten land for the past five years, and may not yet be familiar with the term digital reader, electronic or e-reader, this is any one of many electronic devices that have been sweeping the marketplace at an astonishing rate, and in ever increasing numbers.
Simply put, an eReader is a lightweight, portable reading device that can quickly deliver any manner of reading material into your hands at the click of a few buttons.
eReaders allow you the quick and easy flexibility of reading your favourite books, magazines, newspapers, word documents and more, by simply downloading them either through your computer connection or digitally to your device with a wireless connection.
An eReader works much the same way as any book or magazine, allowing you to easily turn pages with just one press or click, highlight paragraphs, make notes and bookmark your place, all without searching for a pen or bookmark.
Another great feature of an eReader is that you don’t need to worry about squinting at too small copy or searching out your reading glasses because you can have text delivered in whatever size your eyes prefer.
Most eReaders are no larger than a standard paperback which makes carrying them around with you very easy. The eReader revolution streamlines and turns your reading, which may have previously included carting about heavy books, bulky newspapers and large magazines, into a sleek, stylish, lightweight and convenient new way to enjoy your favourite reading materials, no matter where you travel.
Which e-Reader is Best for You?
Do You Want to Keep It Simple?
One of the most popular electronic Readers is the Amazon Kindle (which you can order in Black and White or Full Colour versions), and like all digital readers, uses wireless connectivity so that you can easily shop online for books, magazines, newspapers, how to’s, articles, recipes, etc. and quickly download them to your device of choice to travel with you or read on your home computer. The black and white Amazon Kindle at $79. is a great choice for those whose primary interest is reading published materials of all sorts, or choose the latest Kindle Fire if you want to do more in colour and your budget runs around the $199. mark.
Do You Want to Do It All?
For those who want to be able to do it all (read, stream videos, watch TV shows, play games, check your e-mail, etc) and you have a considerably larger budget ($499.), another highly popular Reader (that does so much more than just allow you to read your favourite books and magazines) is, of course, the iPad.
Beyond these two most popular choices, you’ll find there are many others Readers made by various manufacturers that offer you many different capabilities.
If you’re new to the electronic world of Readers, first ask yourself what it is that you want your digital reader or tablet to be able to do before you decide which Reader, iPad, tablet or smart phone will be best for you.
The Future of 1-Click Reading is Here Now
There are so many reasons why we love our electronic Readers, but probably the most compelling being that we have become a society where instant gratification ranks very highly, moving at high speed, with a strong get it now mentality that moves effortlessly within all the various electronic, smart devices we all have at our fingertips.
Our electronic, instant gratification society demands that we have the ability to pick and choose what we want, when we want it, and have it delivered to where we want it with minimal time spent getting it, through a simple 1-click delivery system.
Digital is Kind to the Environment & YOU
Usually being kind to the environment means paying more for making ecologically sound choices, however, the digital age is one way to be much kinder to the environment while also costing yourself less!
There are also green, clean and ecologically sound reasons to choose to read your magazines, articles and books via your chosen electronic device, and these reasons are more strong motivators for many folks switching from the printed material to the digital or electronic variety.
Because the digital age has brought us many conveniences, we can now choose not to spend the time putting on our shoes, hats, coats and gloves to each go and physically find our reading material. We can choose NOT to waste gas, get stressed out in traffic and further pollute our environment to drive to a store, oftentimes only to discover that the magazine or book we wanted is not there.
Digital means no more killing trees to make paper, no more expensive ink, no more taking up space collecting dust on your shelf once you’ve read your newspaper, book or magazine, which means no more filling up those recycling bins and paying for a company to come and haul it all away.
Digital means less expense to you personally as well and every other aspect of society that must deal with the after effects of physical books, magazines or newspapers including the expensive, noisy, polluting large industry devoted to recycling unwanted paper products.
The reduced costs (shipping physical books costs you between 7 and 14% of the sale price of the book) are also of course another reason why Kindle digital books are outselling hardcover sales 180 for every 100 books sold, and this number is rapidly increasing in favour of electronic sales as more people realize the financially smart, amazingly simple convenience of making the switch to digital.
The production costs involved with creating reading material in a digital format is considerably less, which means that the cost to the reader will also be less, which means that thanks to the revolution of digital reading materials, you and I will be able to afford to read more, which means that as a society, we will be better educated.
Stylish, Smart, Sleek, Sophisticated and Uncluttered
What could be faster or more convenient than having the ultimate choice of browsing over one million digital books, newspapers and magazines at the Amazon Kindle store that are all available to you, with just 1-click of your electronic device in under 60 seconds?
What could be more sophisticated and uncluttered than sitting down to the breakfast table with your stylish eReader in your hand, instead of that large, unwieldy newspaper, and finally, no more magazines tumbling from every surface and bulging bookshelves to dust, or trips to the recycle once the seams are full to capacity.
Amazon has also introduced Kindle software that is compatible with any type of device or platform you currently use, which makes it even easier for you to have exactly what you want, when you want it, where you want it.
For instance, you can simply download free software so that you can read on Microsoft Windows, IOS, Blackberry, Mac OSX, Android, WebOS and Windows Phone 7, which means that virtually anyone with an Internet or smart device connection can now access millions of reading choices.
During the last three months of 2010 (a whole year ago) the Amazon Kindle store announced that in the United States, their e-book sales had surpassed sales of paperback books for the first time.
This is no surprise, because there is absolutely no doubt that with the ever increasing convenience and widely ranging accessibility of e-books through a variety of iPhone, iPad, smart phone, e-Readers, tablets and computer desktop applications, that paperbacks and hardcovers will soon become but a distant memory in the world of books, magazines and newspapers.
How to Join the 1-Click Revolution
Don’t have free Kindle reader software on your computer or smart device, yet?
- Go here to download for PC
- Go here to download for Mac
- Go here to download for iPhone
- Go here to download for iPad
- Go here to download for Android
Once you’ve downloaded and installed your free software onto your device, you will need to create a free Amazon Kindle account so that you can download any of the many, many books, magazines, articles, how to’s, etc.
Don’t have a Kindle, iPad or other electronic Reader yet? Click the Amazon links on this page for the best prices.
Join the 1-Click revolution today and start enjoying the convenience of all the many reading choices available to you and your family with just 1-click.